| Forum.Roerich
Живая Этика (Агни Йога), Теософия | | | Результаты поиска в Google | | Результаты поиска по Агни Йоге | | 05.05.2006, 18:02 | #21 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | Чтобы нагнать работу, оцифровал и сразу перевёл стр. 6-10 главы 1. А также помещаю ниже оцифровку стр. 11-15. Как только кто-то возьмется за перевод этой части, то я оцифрую другую часть. pages 6-10 a celluloid solution called Zapon was tried. This gave a better result; but, in a few hours' time, it, too, lost its colour. Subsequently solutions in alcohol of different strengths in glass cells were employed. These seem on the whole to be satisfactory, but there is tendency after a time for colour changes to take place, even if kept in the dark as much as possible. As a rule only two screens are necessary: one containing a solution of spectauranine in alcohol, and a second less dilute. Others of various strengths, with and without the addition of other dyes, have been tried, but these were only for purposes of experiment under differing circumstances. For ordinary work these are unnecessary. However, another kind of screen will be found useful for differentiating the separate parts of the Aura, which will be described later on. Directly a screen was finished, we looked at a friend through it, and instantly saw around his head and hands a faint grayish cloud, which we considered could be nothing else but the Aura. After a few minutes we were surprised to find that we could continue to see the Aura without the intervention of the screen. This power did not last long. However, it was renewed by looking at the light for a few seconds through a dark screen. It is interesting to note that this capacity for seeing the Aura without the intervention of the screen is by no means uncommon, but generally exists only for a short while. At this period every spare moment was occupied in using the screen for this and other experiments in connection with the perception of the Aura, consequently we discovered to our cost that the spectauranine had a very deleterious effect upon our eyes, making them very painful, so much so that it was necessary to cease work for some days. On account of this, we strongly recommend all experimenters on this subject, not to be continually looking through the spectauranine screen. Apparently the action of this chemical is cumulative, so that we gradually gained the power of seeing the Aura more and more plainly without the intervention of the screen. Ultimately our eyes have become so permanently affected that under suitable conditions we are able to dispense with a screen. Nevertheless, we think it expedient to look at the light for a new seconds through a spectauranine screen before inspection, and even then we sometimes find the Aura is better seen through a light one. At other times the reverse holds good, though the conditions may be exactly similar in the two cases. The Aura can only be satisfactorily defined when certain conditions are fulfilled. The light must not be too bright. The requisite amount must be determined at each observation, and depends on whether a screen is being used or not. A rough estimate is, that the body can just be seen distinctly after the observer has become accustomed to the darkness. The light ought to be diffused, coming from one direction only, and falling on the patient equally all over. Certainly, the best arrangement is obtained when the observer is standing with his back to a darkened window while the patient faces it. An alternative method, if the room is sufficiently large and open, and the only one that can be employed at a patient's house, is to have a tent similar to the X folding portable dark-room as used for photography, except that it must be lined with black instead of the ordinary yellow material, and the front curtains must be removed. The tent is placed with its back to the window and the patient stands inside, when he will be evenly illuminated. All the windows in the room, except the one at the back of the tent, should be completely darkened, while this one must have the blind drawn more or less as required. The chief objection to this arrangement is, that the observer has to stand facing the light, which is not so comfortable for any part of the inspection, and is especially inconvenient for the observations connected with the complementary colours, as will be described later on. Occasionally it is possible at a patient's house, with a little maneuvering, to be able to place the tent with its opening facing the window. When this is done inspection is rendered much easier. It is essential to have the black background as dead black as is obtainable. Most of our investigations have been conducted in a small room with only one window. This window is fitted at the top with an ordinary blind, and from below a blind of black serge can be raised to any height required. The serge allows a considerable amount of light to pass through, in fact too much, except on very dark days; but the amount can be regulated by pulling down the ordinary blind. This arrangement is also very convenient, as a slight gap can be left between the two blinds so as to allow much more light into the room when the patient is being observed through the dark carmine screen, and also occasionally when the complementary colours are employed. Opposite, and about eight feet from the window is a movable pole supporting black and white curtains, either of which can be used as wanted. The white background is necessary for certain observations, which will be described farther on. These are all the arrangements that are required. There is one point that is important to bear in mind, namely, that the patient should stand about a foot in front of the background, so that shadows or marks upon it may not produce any optical illusions, and thus vitiate the observations. Trouble of this kind is not likely… | | | 05.05.2006, 18:02 | #22 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | Поменял greyish - grayish а также в предложении "A rough estimate is, that the body can just be seen distinctly after the observer has become accustomed to the dullness" кажется нашёл опечатку в последнем слове dullness и исправил его на darkness. | | | 05.05.2006, 18:03 | #23 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | стр. 6-10 ...нами был испробован целлулоидный раствор под названием «Цапоновый лак». Это дало лучший результат, но через несколько часов он тоже потерял свой цвет. Затем использовались спиртовые растворы различной концентрации для работы со стеклянными экранами. Казалось бы, что они полностью удовлетворили наши требования, но через некоторое время было замечено изменение цвета, даже если они хранились в темноте. Как правило, необходимо только два экрана: один, содержащий слабый спиртовой раствор спектроауронинового красителя, а второй такой же, но менее разбавленный. Мы пробовали другие растворы различной концентрации, без или с добавлением других красителей, но они использовались с целью постановки эксперимента при различных условиях. Для обычной работы эти экраны не нужны. Однако еще один тип экранов будет полезным для определения отдельных частей ауры, что будет описано ниже. Как только экран был готов к работе, мы посмотрели сквозь него друг на друга и тотчас вокруг головы и рук увидели сероватое облако. Мы посчитали, что оно не может быть ничем иным, кроме ауры. Через несколько минут мы были удивлены, когда обнаружили, что продолжаем видеть ауру уже без экрана. Такая способность не сохранялась долго. Однако мы вновь смогли получить ее после того, как сквозь темный экран смотрели на свет в течении нескольких секунд. Интересно отметить, что способность видеть ауру без посредства экрана никоим образом не является исключительной и обычно длиться короткое время. В этот период было использовано каждое свободное мгновение для проведения различных экспериментов с экраном по восприятию ауры. К своему сожалению, мы открыли, что красители оказывают вредное воздействие на наши глаза. После опытов они болели настолько, что нам пришлось прекратить работу на несколько дней. Из-за этого мы настоятельно рекомендуем всем экспериментаторам смотреть через экран спектроауронина с перерывами. Очевидно, влияние спектроауронина накапливается, и поэтому мы постепенно получили способность наблюдения ауры без экрана. В конечном счете, наши глаза стали настолько приспособленными, что при подходящих условиях мы могли обходиться без экрана. Тем не менее, мы считали необходимым смотреть на свет сквозь окрашенный экран до наблюдения, и даже потом мы иногда обнаруживали, что аура лучше видна через светлый экран. В других случаях перемена [видов] приносит хорошие результаты, хотя условия должны быть подобны этим двум случаям. Аура может быть четко обнаружена только тогда, когда выполняются определенные условия. Свет не должен быть слишком ярким. Его необходимое количество должно быть определено для каждого опыта, и зависеть от того, используется ли экран или нет. При предварительном осмотре наблюдатель должен привыкнуть к темноте. Свет нужен рассеянный, идущий с одной стороны и освещающий пациента равномерно со всех сторон. Конечно, удобнее всего, когда наблюдатель стоит спиной к затемненному окну, а пациент обращен к нему лицом. Может применяться альтернативный метод, если комната является достаточно большой, открытой и единственной, которая может использоваться в доме пациента. Этот метод состоит в том, чтобы иметь сворачивающуюся портативную X-образную тёмную палатку, подобную той, которые используются для фотографии, за исключением того, что она должно быть сделана из черного материала, вместо обычного желтого материала, и передние занавески должны быть удалены. Палатка устанавливается спиной к окну, а пациент становиться внутри так, чтобы он равномерно освещался. Все окна в комнате, а также задняя часть палатки, должны быть полностью затемнены, что достигается установкой штор затемнения в необходимом положении. Главное препятствие против такой установки состоит в том, что наблюдатель должен смотреть против света, что не совсем удобно для осмотра всех частей ауры, и что особенно не подходит для наблюдений, связанных с дополнительными цветами ауры, как это будет описано ниже. Иногда возможно в доме пациента разместить палатку открытой стороной напротив окна. Когда это сделано, то осмотр представляется намного более легким. При этом важно за палаткой иметь черный фон, поскольку абсолютно черный материал фона недоступен. Большинство наших исследований проводилось в маленькой комнате с одним окном. Это окно располагалось наверху, и было снабжено обычными шторами затемнения, которые управлялись снизу. Они были сделаны из черного "сержа"*3. Ткань из "сержа" позволяет значительному количеству света проходить через окна, что бывает вполне достаточно, за исключением очень темных дней. Количество света можно также регулировать путём закрывания штор. Две шторы очень удобны, поскольку небольшой промежуток света можно оставить между ними, чтобы сделать немного более светлое освещение в комнате, когда пациент наблюдается через темный пунцовый экран, и также тогда, когда используются дополнительные цвета. Напротив окна – приблизительно на расстоянии двух с половиной метров – устанавливается переносная перекладина, на которую вешается черная и белая ткань [для фона], любая из которых может использоваться по мере надобности. Белый фон необходим для некоторых наблюдений, которые будут описаны ниже. Это все меры, которые требуются для работы. Есть ещё один момент, который нужно иметь в виду, а именно, что пациент должен стоять приблизительно в тридцати сантиметрах перед фоном, так, чтобы тени на фоне не могли произвести никаких оптических обманов, и таким образом исказить наблюдения. Trouble of this kind is not likely... *3 "серж" (англ. serge) - шерстяная ткань [прим. переводчика]. | | | 05.05.2006, 18:04 | #24 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | pages 11-15 ...to occur, except when the observer is new to the work. While the patient is assuming the proper position, the observer takes the dark screen and peers through it at the light for half a minute or longer. This will influence his eyesight for a sufficiently long time, so that it will rarely be necessary to repeat the operation. However, repetition can be made as often as desired. He now darkens the room and regulates the light; and, standing with his back to the window and opposite the patient, looks at him through a pale screen, when he ought to perceive immediately or (if not accustomed to the work) after a few seconds a faint cloud enveloping the patient, which varies in health according to individual peculiarities. If the observer has already gained the ability of perceiving the Aura without the intervention of the screen, he will usually find it to have some shade of blue. It is certainly of assistance in determining the colour of the Aura, if the patient places his hands upon his hips and at the same time extends his elbows, when, in the spaces between the trunk and the arms, the Aura emanating from the body will be reinforced by that proceeding from the arms. When commencing a systematic inspection it will be advisable for the patient first to face the observer and the light. The Aura round the head will be best seen while he stands or sits with his hands hanging by his sides. Its breadth may roughly be determined by noticing how far it extends beyond the shoulders, and this permits the two sides to be compared, because in some cases of disease the Aura will be wider or narrower on one side than on the other. At this stage attention ought to be paid to the general shape of the Aura while the arms are hanging down, as this often differs greatly from that seen when they are uplifted. For the greater part of the inspection it will be found advantageous for the patient to stand with his hands behind his neck, so that the Aura from the axilla down the trunk, thighs, and legs may be seen uninfluenced by the Aura proceeding from the arms. This is the time to determine the shape and size of the Aura, whether it follows the contour of the body or whether it is wider by the trunk than the lower limbs; and, if so, how far it descends before it finally narrows. It is not uncommon for some abnormality of texture to be visible, but this, as a rule, can be differentiated with greater accuracy by the employment of special screens. Occasionally the Aura can be separated by its appearance into two or, very rarely, three distinct portions, but the verification of this division will be better made at a later stage of the examination. As soon as all the information as to the Aura at the sides has been gained, the patient must be turned sideways, so that the Aura at the front and back may be similarly examined. If any suspicion should arise as to the Aura being unequally illuminated, it must be (in addition to the foregoing inspection), viewed when the back is turned to the light, and again when turned sideways in the direction opposite to the one he previously assumed. By this simple means a number of errors are eliminated. The Aura envelops the whole of the human frame, but, on account of the fineness of its texture and its transparency, it is only visible in sections; consequently when the observer wishes to examine the Aura emanating from one particular spot, he will be obliged to turn the patient to a different angle, so that a silhouette of this spot may be made on the background. Generally, if the shape of the Aura is the only thing required, it can be ascertained by the patient first standing facing the observer, and then sideways without any other movement. Considerations of the other portions of the systematic inspection must be deferred for the present. Examination of a number of people in good health shows not merely, as might be expected, individual differences, but also the existence of a corporate dissimilarity. Males, independent of age, possess the same characteristics of the Aura, after making allowance for individual peculiarities, as no two people are alike. Quite the opposite is the case in females, because their Auras undergo a great alteration of shape at certain periods of their lives. In childhood it coincides almost exactly with that of the male. In adults it is much more developed, while in adolescence - from twelve to thirteen until eighteen to twenty years - it slowly advances from the masculine type to that of adult womanhood. Inspection of a man discloses the Aura enveloping the head fairly equally all round, it being about two inches broader than the width of the shoulders. When he stands facing the observer, with his arms raised and his hands at the back of his neck, the Aura will appear by the side of his trunk narrower than round his head, following closely the contour of the body. Here it does not usually exceed more than four or five inches in width, or, roughly speaking, one-fifteenth of his height. As soon as he has turned sideways, it will be seen down his back about as broad as by the sides of the trunk, but barely as wide as in front. In all these cases it is similarly continued down the lower limbs, only sometimes being a little narrower. Around the arms it corresponds with that encircling the legs, but is generally broader around the hands, and very frequently it projects a long distance from the tips of the fingers. Before a girl has arrived at the age of twelve or thirteen the description of the Aura of the males will be equally applicable to her. Nevertheless, the texture of the Aura is usually finer... | | | 18.05.2006, 19:11 | #25 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | 16-20 than that of a man, so that it occasionally becomes difficult to distinguish the edge of the haze. In like manner, but not to the same extent, the Auras of young boys may be faint. This prevents children from being good subjects for early observations. On observing the Aura of an adult woman a characteristic alteration is found. Above the shoulders round the head, down the arms and hands it is very similar to that of the males. If she faces the observer with the hands placed behind the neck, the dissimilarity is at once noticeable. The Aura is much wider by the sides of the trunk than in men, and broadens out until, at the level of the waist, it has reached its full extent. From here downwards, it gradually narrows until it reaches a point not higher than the middle of the thigh, where it finally contracts and follows the outline of the legs and feet. However, the point of final contraction may be anywhere between the place just mentioned and the ankles. As she stands sideways, the Aura will be seen to be much wider at the back than at the front, and the broadest part is at the small of the back where it frequently bulges out. From thence it comes down from near the nates, following the contour of the legs and thighs. In front it takes the outline of the body, being a little wider at the chest and abdomen than lower down. It is not uncommon to find the haze more pronounced in front of the breasts and nipples, and this increase is evidently dependent upon the functional activity of the glands, as it is most apparent during pregnancy and lactation, but is occasionally the same just before or after menstruation. When the Aura is fully developed age does not produce any alteration, but disease may. Figs. 9 to 13 are good specimens of the Aura of a woman in health. Amongst healthy women the Aura shows many departures from the above examples. The modifications consist in the difference of width by the side of the trunk and the distance it descends, before it has contracted to its fullest extent, and follows the contour of the body. Besides, it will be noticed that the breadth in front of the body often alters, but not nearly to the same extent. At the back, changes are more frequent and varied. These are chiefly due to differences in breadth and the position of the final contraction. With one person the outer margin of the haze is apparently quite straight from the level of the shoulders to the most prominent part of the nates, and from thence it follows the outline of the body downwards. With another person it will bulge out at the small of the back, contracting when it reaches the middle of the thigh, or it may be near the ground before it follows the figure. Occasionally the Aura proceeds downwards from over the head to the feet without coming near the body. This we consider to be the most perfect shape. Any deviations are due to undevelopment. The average width of the Aura over a woman round the waist is eight to ten inches, and on some not more than six or seven inches, but it may reach twelve or more (vide Figs. 9, 11, 1  . When a girl approaches the age of puberty her Aura begins to show an alteration, leaving the infantile form to attain, in from four to six years, the shape assumed by an adult woman. The change does not usually commence until a short time before menstruation appears, but never before the body has begun to develop. Exceptions to this are occasionally met with. For instance, a girl fourteen years old (Case 9, Figs. 7 and  had a marked Transitional Aura, but did not menstruate for six months after. The youngest child who showed any increase of Aura was thirteen and a half years old. She was a remarkably well developed child for her age, but suffered from epileptic fits; six months previously she had an infantile Aura. Three others of fourteen, one of fifteen, four of sixteen, one of seventeen, and one of nineteen years of age, possessed Auras in a transitional state, while two others of eighteen years of age had fully formed Auras. One undersized, weakly girl, nearly seventeen years old, who had never menstruated, retained a perfectly infantile shape of Aura, which, however, was well marked. On the other hand, a tall, well-formed young woman, twenty-five years of age, who had an undeveloped uterus, and who had only menstruated four times in her life (the last period being three years ago), is the possessor of a very distinct Aura, much larger than the average. Another woman, forty-two years of age, who had both her ovaries removed sixteen years ago, had a fairly marked Aura quite up to the average in width by the sides of the trunk, but especially broad at the back and front. There can be no two opinions as to the enlargement of the female Aura at the period of adolescence, but it remains to be proved whether this is entirely due to the functional maturity of the sexual organs, or whether the other changes which have taken place in the system contribute to its development. But this much can be confidently stated, as will appear later on, that menstruation has a subtle effect on the Aura, while the changes in shape in early pregnancy are not very pronounced. During a later period a great extension in front of the breast and the lower part of the abdomen may appear, but this is only temporary and local. The subject will be discussed later on. For the sake of simplicity, and to avoid unnecessary repetition in the above description, the Aura has been treated as if it were a simple phenomenon, while in reality it is composite. Later on its elements will be fully consid- | | | 18.05.2006, 19:15 | #26 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | Прошу модератора удалить предыдушее сообщение с "очкариками", которые получились из восьмёрки-скобки. Тот же текст будет смотреться так: 16-20 than that of a man, so that it occasionally becomes difficult to distinguish the edge of the haze. In like manner, but not to the same extent, the Auras of young boys may be faint. This prevents children from being good subjects for early observations. On observing the Aura of an adult woman a characteristic alteration is found. Above the shoulders round the head, down the arms and hands it is very similar to that of the males. If she faces the observer with the hands placed behind the neck, the dissimilarity is at once noticeable. The Aura is much wider by the sides of the trunk than in men, and broadens out until, at the level of the waist, it has reached its full extent. From here downwards, it gradually narrows until it reaches a point not higher than the middle of the thigh, where it finally contracts and follows the outline of the legs and feet. However, the point of final contraction may be anywhere between the place just mentioned and the ankles. As she stands sideways, the Aura will be seen to be much wider at the back than at the front, and the broadest part is at the small of the back where it frequently bulges out. From thence it comes down from near the nates, following the contour of the legs and thighs. In front it takes the outline of the body, being a little wider at the chest and abdomen than lower down. It is not uncommon to find the haze more pronounced in front of the breasts and nipples, and this increase is evidently dependent upon the functional activity of the glands, as it is most apparent during pregnancy and lactation, but is occasionally the same just before or after menstruation. When the Aura is fully developed age does not produce any alteration, but disease may. Figs. 9 to 13 are good specimens of the Aura of a woman in health. Amongst healthy women the Aura shows many departures from the above examples. The modifications consist in the difference of width by the side of the trunk and the distance it descends, before it has contracted to its fullest extent, and follows the contour of the body. Besides, it will be noticed that the breadth in front of the body often alters, but not nearly to the same extent. At the back, changes are more frequent and varied. These are chiefly due to differences in breadth and the position of the final contraction. With one person the outer margin of the haze is apparently quite straight from the level of the shoulders to the most prominent part of the nates, and from thence it follows the outline of the body downwards. With another person it will bulge out at the small of the back, contracting when it reaches the middle of the thigh, or it may be near the ground before it follows the figure. Occasionally the Aura proceeds downwards from over the head to the feet without coming near the body. This we consider to be the most perfect shape. Any deviations are due to undevelopment. The average width of the Aura over a woman round the waist is eight to ten inches, and on some not more than six or seven inches, but it may reach twelve or more (vide Figs. 9, 11, 18 ). When a girl approaches the age of puberty her Aura begins to show an alteration, leaving the infantile form to attain, in from four to six years, the shape assumed by an adult woman. The change does not usually commence until a short time before menstruation appears, but never before the body has begun to develop. Exceptions to this are occasionally met with. For instance, a girl fourteen years old (Case 9, Figs. 7 and 8 ) had a marked Transitional Aura, but did not menstruate for six months after. The youngest child who showed any increase of Aura was thirteen and a half years old. She was a remarkably well developed child for her age, but suffered from epileptic fits; six months previously she had an infantile Aura. Three others of fourteen, one of fifteen, four of sixteen, one of seventeen, and one of nineteen years of age, possessed Auras in a transitional state, while two others of eighteen years of age had fully formed Auras. One undersized, weakly girl, nearly seventeen years old, who had never menstruated, retained a perfectly infantile shape of Aura, which, however, was well marked. On the other hand, a tall, well-formed young woman, twenty-five years of age, who had an undeveloped uterus, and who had only menstruated four times in her life (the last period being three years ago), is the possessor of a very distinct Aura, much larger than the average. Another woman, forty-two years of age, who had both her ovaries removed sixteen years ago, had a fairly marked Aura quite up to the average in width by the sides of the trunk, but especially broad at the back and front. There can be no two opinions as to the enlargement of the female Aura at the period of adolescence, but it remains to be proved whether this is entirely due to the functional maturity of the sexual organs, or whether the other changes which have taken place in the system contribute to its development. But this much can be confidently stated, as will appear later on, that menstruation has a subtle effect on the Aura, while the changes in shape in early pregnancy are not very pronounced. During a later period a great extension in front of the breast and the lower part of the abdomen may appear, but this is only temporary and local. The subject will be discussed later on. For the sake of simplicity, and to avoid unnecessary repetition in the above description, the Aura has been treated as if it were a simple phenomenon, while in reality it is composite. Later on its elements will be fully consid- | | | 19.05.2006, 15:17 | #27 | Рег-ция: 28.11.2002 Адрес: Deutschland Сообщения: 2,182 Благодарности: 4 Поблагодарили 96 раз(а) в 62 сообщениях | 21-33 (пять страниц текста, но с рисунками счёт больше, т.к. каждый рисунок пронумерован в книге за две страницы)) -ered, but for the present it will be sufficient to say that it can be divided into three parts. First, there is a narrow transparent portion appearing as a dark space, which is very often obliterated by the second portion of the Aura. When visible it looks like a dark band, not exceeding a quarter of an inch, surrounding and adjacent to the body, without any alteration in size at any part. This will be called the Etheric Double. The second constituent is the Inner Aura. It is the densest portion and varies comparatively little, or even not at all, in width, either at the back, front, or sides, and both in the male and the female follows the contour of the body. It arises just outside the Etheric Double, but very frequently it looks as if it touched the body itself. The third portion, or the Outer Aura, commences at the outer edge of the Inner Aura, and is very variable in size. It is the extreme outer margin of this that has been taken for depicting the outline of the Aura hitherto. When the whole Aura is observed through a light spectauranine screen, or a pale blue one, all the portions appear blended together, but the part nearest the body is the most dense. If, however, a carmine screen be employed, each of the factors will be distinguished; or, should this screen be a fairly dark one, the Outer Aura will be eliminated altogether. The following descriptions of the Auras are from a selection of persons in good health, varying in age from early infancy and upwards, and are typical. They are arranged according to age — first males, and then females. CASE 1. — A., a fine, healthy infant, fifteen hours old, was inspected whilst lying on its mother's bed upon a black cloth. Although seen under very unfavourable circumstances, his Aura was plainly visible, and in colour was grey, tinged with yellow. As far as could be seen it followed the outline of the body. This is the youngest child whose Aura we have examined, and it may be interesting to note that both the mother and the nurse were able to see the cloud around him, if they looked through the screen. When he had arrived at the age of four months, he was inspected again under more suitable conditions, being then placed on a sofa, with a black cloth under him. His Aura took the same outline as the body, being a little over an inch wide, with the exception of the part round the head, which was broader. The colour had changed to dark blue grey. CASE 2. — B., when a healthy male infant of four months old, was examined while lying on a black cloth similar to the background behind him; his Aura could be easily detected, being of a bluish grey colour. The Outer Aura was seen about an inch wide around his body and limbs, but by the sides of the head it was a little broader than the width of the shoulders. When examined through a dark carmine screen, the Inner Aura was quite distinct, about three-quarters of an inch wide, showing well-marked striation. CASE 3 (Figs. 1 and 2). — C., a strong and healthy lad, five years old, who had never had any serious illness. While he stood facing the observer, his Outer Aura appeared to be about six inches round the head. It came down by the side of the trunk about three and a quarter inches, and was a little narrower by the lower part of the thighs and the legs. The Inner Aura could be plainly distinguished, being nearly two inches wide by the side of the head and trunk, and about one and a quarter by the legs. When he turned sideways, the Outer Aura was found to be about two inches wide in front, and the Inner about a quarter of an inch less. Both these measurements were slightly diminished lower down. At the back the Outer Aura was two and a half inches wide by the trunk, but not quite so wide by the lower limbs. Here, too, the Inner was about a quarter of an inch less than the Outer Aura. The colour was a blue grey. It is worthy of notice that in children, especially among males, the Inner Aura is almost as wide as the Outer; and often the two can only be differentiated with difficulty. CASE 4. — D., a youth, fourteen years old. He is rather tall for his age, and has enjoyed good health all his life. His Aura was well marked, and a bluish grey. As he stood facing the observer, the Outer Aura was seven inches round his head, by the side of his trunk four inches, and lower down three and a half inches. The Inner Aura was two inches wide all over the body. The Etheric Double was visible, being one-eighth of an inch wide. When he stood sideways, the Outer Aura was about three inches wide by his shoulders and nates, consequently for a male was rather wide at the small of the back. In front the Aura was three inches wide down the whole length. CASE 5 (Figs. 3 and 4). — E., a very powerful man, thirty-three years of age. He was well proportioned in every respect, and in robust health. His Aura was blue with a little grey. The Outer Aura surrounded his head a little wider than the breadth of his shoulders; all down his trunk, arms, and legs it was five inches wide. The Inner Aura was extremely well marked, about three inches wide. Striation was remarkably easy to see. As he stood sideways, the Inner Aura was the same width both front and back, but the Outer was a trifle narrower in front. The Etheric Double was clearly defined, being nearly a quarter of an  | | | Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1) | | Часовой пояс GMT +3, время: 10:17. |