19.06.2014, 14:46 | #31 | ||
Рег-ция: 16.12.2002 Адрес: Донецк, Новороссия Сообщения: 1,675 Благодарности: 7 Поблагодарили 724 раз(а) в 502 сообщениях | Please share it as much as possible! MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTION TO ALL RERIKHOVSKY INSTANCES, CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WITH THE TRANSLATION INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES. ATTENTION! The appeal to all spiritual and educational organizations, societies of culture, education, to the educational institutions, going under names of Teachers of Mankind, a family Rerikhov, or related! Regardless, who you and where you are are, to what museums or societies, groups you belong, in the city you or in the village it is necessary to rise and rise on a defense of peace in the world, on the places, areas, to bring together people, to lift Banners of the World and a flag of Russia in fight against fascism, Nazism which safely and openly raised the snake heads and destroys the population of Ukraine. To rise with the WORLD requirement, with an ardent protivleniye and courageous overthrow of a devilish spawn! There have to be organized, not single actions of the silent and peace intellectuals, under sounds of bard music, and active actions actions at embassies of the western countries aggressors, with attraction friendly to us mass media that everything was photographed on video, is transferred to TV and radio that recognized as much as possible people and it was constant very famous. Constantly to extend in social nets, on all West European and east mass media until will any attempts of the organization of extremism, appeals to kindling of national discord, terrorism, fratricide, etc. are stopped! Actions of support of the population of the Crimea, Syria (see the appendix) can serve as an example. The Crimea not only because it historically ours but because Russian-speaking in the Southeast of Ukraine perish daily and nightly was supported. On the example of these protest actions, it is necessary as it is furious and active as сплочаются fascists in hatred against life, to hold actions with requirements to stop lie and aggressive, fascist policy of the West in Ukraine to call for the law on prevention and destruction, arrest of the fascist - devilish promotion in any a look. and as to call for the International Court of Justice of all pristupnikov-fascists against the population of the Southeast of Ukraine! To wait for arrival of Teachers, infinitely to place quotes from Sacred Books and to put likes in social nets, cementing space beauty and a righteousness without corresponding physical actions and opposition to aggressors - means passive and not sufficient fight. Every time demands the methods, and the present demands from us acceptance of effective measures - hands and feet, hearts and the reasonable heads! Not to wait and observe from screens of TVs, newspapers, etc., to gasp and sigh as kill people, and to make from itself all possible efforts, to rally forces to win against the enemy which purpose - each of us, our children, our mother Earth, our souls! If we not будм to fight, us will destroy one behind another by means of the newest technologies of destruction, silently, silently, perverting occurring events and the facts, and slandering so that you won't distinguish, where the truth as it was in Libya, with Syria, and now and a living example of Ukraine in which build camp for a reservation and destruction in them all Russian-speaking population, meanwhile only Ukraine... Deplorable example of that Ukraine with which the saying - "it's not my business went reaps, I know nothing", it has to be realized and it isn't allowed in us. Politicians do the part and to us, to all people, it is necessary to show support of our government, as in a case with the Crimea that it could rely on opinion, requirements, the help of all population. Otherwise, hypocritical and scandalous games round supply of gas to Ukraine and contracts with fascist junta, will proceed also in negotiations with Kiev and further on death of civilians! To hope that all somehow itself will resolve - fondly. Non-interference position - criminally! Until we won't interfere with policy, and to continue to suffer occurring crimes and genocide of the people, the policy will interfere with our life and to enslave, poison us how many and as to it will take in head. There is a war! Information and physical. There is a war and we are its participants! Ivan Stotysyachny has to wake up, rise, declare himself and protect, resist to fascism and Nazism! All of us have to rally and win against fascism! Either we, or they us! The third it isn't given. MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTION TO ALL RERIKHOVSKY INSTANCES, CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WITH THE TRANSLATION INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES. P. S. to all Roerich organizations, culture societies which have to take part actively according to growth of the consciousness in all processes of activity of society and connected with all mankind, is time to fall within all scope of life, showing responsibility, to bear a World and education Banner everywhere for the sake of life on Earth! APPENDIX OF LISTS OF FRIENDLY AND HOSTILE MASS MEDIA PEOPLE, BE VIGILANT! HOSTILE, WESTERNIZED MASS MEDIA, FIFTH COLUMN: Ekho Moskvy, Alexey Navalny, Sergey Udaltsov, Andrey Malgin, Anton Nosik, Yulia Latynina, Tsvay Rand. Writes for the Rain, Ekho Moskvy, the New newspaper, the Elephant, the Newspaper, Oksana Velva, the New newspaper, Radio Ekho Moskvy — one of the major and oldest liberal, anti-Russian and pro-American resources, TV channel "Dozhd", "Lozhd", it is "Golden shower", Radio "Silver Rain", Sides. Ру, Sports.ru - the Large sports portal. One of the main participants of the American campaign for discredit of the Olympic Games to Sochi, TV-2 TV channel (Tomsk),] Community "Right Tatars" of VKontakte - the Right Tatars — community of extreme Tatar nationalists. Echo of Russia — the political magazine. Is a pronounced Russophobic resource, in the Russia tab the section "Disasters" is on the first place, the section "Regions" is submitted by only three subsections: The "Far East", "The Olympic Games in Sochi", the "North Caucasus". Also there is a section "Empire of evil" with subsections about "Yukos Business", mode victims and so on. All color of the anti-Russian public is presented in the section "Personnel". Lurkmore. Orthodoxy and the world - Managed even to write article — a rhetorical question of, whether parades of sodomites, than CPRF meetings are more moral. The electronic newspaper "Tatars Uyan" (the Tatar waken) - a corner of the Tatar separatists. Aggressive Liberalism group of VKontakte - Openly call for the armed invasion of the countries of the West into Russia and further cooperation with the occupational authorities. Antikommunisty group of VKontakte - Openly blacken history of Russia, support views western economic and the politicians having Russophobic character, approve the anti-Russian activity of the organizations, like the Soros fund, openly glorify traitors, such as the general Vlasov, justifications of crimes of fascism and Nazism, their racist position in relation to the Russian people are very frequent. English-speaking mass media and portals EnglishRussia The collective blog in English which publishes various photographic materials about Russia, collected of Russian-language blogs. Along with neutral and positive materials, in the blog "cranberry" photos about Russia, with an emphasis in a seamy side often fast. Among favourite subjects — the drunks, the destroyed buildings, bad roads, the criminal chronicle and everyone other in style of the African exotic. At getting acquainted with Russia under articles in EnglishRussia of the reader there can be an impression about our country as about the amusing and pathetic garbage can of the third world occupied by poor drunks. Analysts and research centers Here consulting firms, any NPO and single analysts who publish ratings blackening Russia or researches are included. Transparency International Main article: Transparency International The American retaliatory rating agency which regularly makes so-called "An index of perception of corruption", the countries in which settle down by the principle of friendship with the USA. It is enough to tell that in solar Georgia — in which officials without ceremony extort bribes, and discordant thrust brooms into bums — corruption allegedly lower, than in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Italy. Also this organization makes "a rating of bribe takers", Bribe Payers Index according to which more than all bribes Russians give, certainly. The main problem of reliability of a rating of bribe takers is that it is based on polls of businessmen. Which, in turn, give answers proceeding from reputation of this or that country. The reputation is formed … just by these garbage ratings from Transparency International. Credit Suisse Main article: Рейтинги:Global_Wealth_Report_ от_банка_Credit_Suis se The Swiss bank notorious for the "rating of global welfare" in which Russia mistakenly is called as the country with abnormally high inequality. HelpAge Main article:Global_Age_Watch_от_H elpAge The Swiss bank notorious for the "rating of global welfare" in which Russia mistakenly is called as the country with abnormally high inequality. HelpAge Main article: Рейтинги:Global_Age_Watch_от_H elpAge Non-governmental organization founded by a certain English aristocrat on a blue eye declares as if in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova pensioners live much better and sytny, than in Russia. Boston Consulting Group According to the research BCG, 70% of richness of Russia are in hands of millionaires and billionaires. At this BCG doesn't include in wealth own business, an investment in not investment real estate and luxury goods. Thus, the owner of big furniture store who lives in own five-room apartment in the center of Moscow and goes on "бентли", according to misters from BCG is clinical nishchebrody. The Legatum Institute Main article: Рейтинги:Индекс_процветания_от _The_Legatum_Institu te English NPO sponsored by Arabs which exposes in the materials Russia the wild and barbarous country. According to "A prosperity rating" this office, Russia lives worse than Mongolia, Indonesia and even Uzbekistan. The rating is based on rough jugglings. So, for example, in the "personal liberty" parameter Russia is on the 119th place. The United Arab Emirates — on the 66th place. At the same time, in the United Arab Emirates, for example, it is forbidden to look at women and to start talking to them. For foul language in the United Arab Emirates give 7 years of prison, and for homosexuality simply behead. World Economic Forum http://ru.wikipedia.... омический_форум According to World Economic Forum organization data, Russia took the third place in the list of the countries (page 455) most negative to foreigners: elpAge http://www3.weforum....Report_2013.pdf Researchers asked Russians the question "as friendly at you accept foreigners". Judging by results, in other countries with inspiration said lies: answered "very friendly". In Russia is more honest: "it is simply friendly". One more rating of this forum is "The global index of efficiency of power architecture" (EAPI) in which Russia costs not on one of the first, and on the 27th place, is much lower completely dependent in respect of power from Russia of the countries: http://damadiluma.li...com/181882.html Bloomberg The large private media company from the USA. By simple jugglings Bloomberg put in a rating of police states Russia on the first place while actually Russia is on the 27th place by number of police officers per capita. Also in July Bloomberg included Russia in ten "the most vicious countries of the world". Economist Intelligence Unit The English organization with headquarters in London, noted at once several Russophobic ratings. So, "the index of quality of life" from this organization which was let out in 2005 and in which it is specified is known that in Russia to live worse, than in Kyrgyzstan, Botswana, Turkmenistan and Uganda. The technique of drawing up an index is extremely disputable: it is based on little significant indicators (like number of stains) and on data of other false ratings, type of a rating of freedoms from Freedom House. In a rating of the most attractive to the birth and life of the countries of EIU put Russia on the 72nd place, between Indonesia and Syria. As well as other ratings, this is based on compilation of other garbage ratings. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Firm which makes ratings of cost of residence in the largest cities of the world. Moscow traditionally gets there on the first or second place on high cost. To be fair it should be noted that this firm doesn't say lies. Simply this rating shows not life cost for the ordinary and expensive city, and life cost in it approximately corresponds that in Athens and Tallinn. Vision of Humanity In "A global rating of peacefulness" from this organization Russia takes the 155th place, and destroyed recently Libya England and the USA — 44 and the 99th place respectively. Heritage Foundation The Naslediye fund from the USA annually lets out so-called "an index of economic freedom". According to this rating, Russia is on a sad 139th place. The rating is based, among other things, on above-mentioned garbage ratings from Economist Intelligence Unit. Maplecroft One more English organization which makes ratings on corruption and complexity of business. It is excessive to say that Russia is in these ratings on the most shameful places. Institute of Earth of the Colombian university American the NPO, known, in particular, the "The report on world happiness", "World Happiness Report" which the organization does by request of the UN. In this rating Russia takes sixty last places as at calculation happiness such parameters traditionally underestimated across Russia as level of corruption and political freedoms in the country are considered. UN management on drugs and crime According to the report of this management, Russia is the world leader on heroin consumption. Actually, figures in the report don't fight with each other so strongly what to perceive it seriously at all it is impossible. Adrian Whyte, the social psychologist from university of Leicester The British scientist who creates so-called "An index of satisfaction with life" according to which in Russia everything is very bad. The friendly: Russia Today, find patriotic Russia mass media! ! ! Web page: http://vk.com/rus_improvisation http://vk.com/anti_usa_news http://vk.com/patriots_news http://vk.com/zasuveren http://vk.com/i_m_c Best regards! Invite to the site www.roerich.com | ||