Агни Йога (Живая Этика), Теософия, наследие семьи Рерихов, Е.П.Блаватской и их Учителей
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Старый 06.01.2003, 20:50   #1
Аватар для rodnoy
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По умолчанию Николай Рерих. Violators of art

Помещаю сюда (возможно) мало-известную для "советского рериховского сообщества" статью Николая Рериха "Violators of art" (дословно "Нарушители искусства"; лит-рно я бы перевел как "Попирающие искусство"). Эта статья написана о большевиках. К сожалению, пока нет времени на перевод, но обещаю это сделать, как только появится время. Также буду категорически "за", если кто-то другой переведет эту статью - на этом формуе достаточно много людей, способных это сделать намного качественнее меня

Violators of art
By N. Roerich.

One of the most remarkable Russian artists, the Academician N. K. Roerich, is present in London.
Roerich’s great talent, well known in Europe, has attracted special attention during the last few years, when his creative ability was brilliantly confirmed by actual life. Almost all the subjects of his pictures prophetically anticipated the convulsion, which is now passing through the whole world, and has been especially tragic in Russia.
A true friend of the people, liberty-loving like a true artist, he has, nevertheless, cut himself off from Russian Bolshevism.
Now, what is the source of this dislike, of an artist to Bolshevism, which has officially declared itself a friend of the Arts? N. K. Roerich answers this question by the following article, place at the disposal of the Russian Liberation Committee.

*******I HASTEN to answer your question. I shall answer as shortly as possible – enough to get at the gist of the matter which if justly agitating and troubling us. Art and knowledge are to us the corner-stone of spiritual culture. Everything that touches these subjects is of special importance.
*******While I was still in Finland and Sweden, information began to reach me which depicted the Bolsheviks as kind of guardians and admirers of Art and Science. It was known that such information was being carefully spread by the Bolsheviks in all the Left press if Sweden and other countries.
*******“The cultural achievements of the Soviet Government” – that if the expression used by the friends of the Bolsheviks in their laudation of the “Medicis of Petrograd”. Such information, sown broadcast, has enlisted a great deal of sympathy among the middle-class intellectuals, who do not understand how they are being deceived. To open the eyes of the public to this swindle is the duty of everyone who knows the true state of affairs, and who is a follower of the principle of spiritual culture.
*******Do not let yourself be deceived! I appeal to all who imagine they are serving the cause of progress, whereas, under the guidance of clever deceivers, they are imperceptibly destroying the steps leading to progress. Now, why is this? “Art is the best international language,” as they say now. During the years of the War, of world convulsion, new and undoubted world treasures have appeared – treasures of Art and Science. From history we have learned that the Muses are silent during war. But this is not the case at the present time. From the first day of the War all were anxious about the treasures of Art and Science – anxious about their preservation; indignant at Vandal destruction; in every way (if only from self-interest) the creation of Art and Science were valued. Even the man in the street has learned to value Art more highly. But the powers of darkness do not slumber. Every true expression of art they turn to their own advantage. For their own dark aims they strive to get possession of the best paths of mankind. The path of Culture and Beauty – a path that is unalterable in its future importance – could not be passed over by these distorters of life. “The end justifies the means” is the Bolshevist motto. But even had Judas donated the thirty pieces of silver to a charitable institution, he would still be Judas, and still He Whom Judas betrayed would be worshipped.
*******Let us examine the communications, which reach us through Bolshevist propaganda and those, which we know from actual life. The Bolsheviks, appropriation the names of those who, against their will, are obliged to remain in their blood-stained grip, say: “The Bolsheviks adorn museums and extend libraries. The Bolsheviks buy pictures for the Hermitage. The Bolsheviks have lectures and open new universities, such as the Institute of the Brain, for instance. A well-known scientist returned to Soviet Russia in February. New plays are being staged at the theatres. ‘Communal’ painters paint the scenery and receive well-paid orders. Order reigns in the palaces and the new acquisitions the museums are transformed, and the exhibits are arranged with great taste. School children are obliged to visit museums and theatres, and to take part in theatricals and public games. The number of scientific works is growing. Many artists and men of science who had the full possibility of the opportunity and have remained”. All this is the Bolshevist “Heaven on Earth”. The Left press in Sweden, Great Britain, France and America systematically publishes information on this subject.
*******And now as regards Heaven (without inverted commas), or rather, that which leads to Heaven.
*******The venerable painter Victor Vasnetsov has been shot. Lappo-Danilevsky, member of the Academy of Sciences, died of starvation. The Academician Smirnov, Prof. Vesselovsky, the famous botanist Fomintsin, the famous pianist Zilotti, and a number of other eminent men have suffered the same fate. A number of professors have been shot, especially in Kiev. The artistic furniture and fittings of many houses have been destroyed. Articles have been taken from Winter Palace, from the Yusupov Gallery and other collections, and have been looted. Churches have been robbed. A number of artists and literary men are languishing in prison. Professor S. F. Platonov, the celebrated historian of Russia, died in prison. In the theatres there is anarchy, and the players are treated abominably, like slaves without any will of their own. School children have had their morals corrupted. Other people’s treasures have been taken and dispersed throughout the treasures have been taken and dispersed throughout the provinces and village, whereby their destruction is ensured. During searches in artists’ houses, their colours and appliances are taken away. Nalmont, the splendid poet, such writers as Merezhkovsky and Remizov, are perishing. What does it all mean?
*******What does it all mean? Why, the shooting and insults show the real meaning of what is going on – these are the faces when not “made up”. But what is the meaning of the notices in the extreme Left press of the “Medicis of Petrograd”? It is the organization of an unheard-of world swindle. The public opinion of the world is deceived by despicable means.
*******We are witnessing a well-thought out, widespread and thoroughly organized swindle. Hark to the Bolsheviks and their minions: “Bearers of culture!” But we know that all the Bolshevist stories are based on lies or on the meanest bribery. But the best men refuse such bribes. Except the notorious Gorky and Shaliapin, the Bolsheviks prefer not to name their partisans, because the famous men who are still within Soviet Russia are there simply because they have been unfortunate enough (either owing to physical or financial causes) to be unable to escape. The names of the Bolshevist men such as Puni, Punin, Lourie, Karev, Mayakovsky, etc., have found no place in the records of Art, even the newest. In them impudence, want of talent, and criminality have found a common home. All that the Bolsheviks boast of is simply a swindle, a false staging which is intended to deceive the various Socialistic commissions which come to investigate the Bolshevist “Heaven on Earth”.
*******We know the true value of all these “packed” meetings of intellectuals, these jubilees, popular theatricals, palace fetes and processions of court carriages. All this deception is practiced much better now than formerly, and all these actions are interlarded with paper money. We know how the Bolsheviks tried to bribe the honorable Leonid Andreiev, who would not accept their “bloody” money. I know personally all the enticing material proposals, and I say, do not listen to those sirens whose motives for singing are not clear to you. Listen to those well-known men who have deliberately left the Bolsheviks. Listen to those with whom the Bolsheviks would be proud to work. The list of those who have deliberately left the Bolsheviks is growing daily. These men have broad views and a deep understanding in their special spheres. They will not disguise their actions. The progress of mankind has always been near and dear o them. They have made a name for themselves by true personal talent and hard work. Here are a few names taken at random; fortunately the number is increasing daily. Writers and journalists: L. Andreiev, Bunin, A. Tolstoy, Volynsky and others. Professors and scientists: the academician Walden, Prof. Kartashev, the lawyers Kusmin-Karavaev and Kamenka, the orientalist Rudnev, Prof. of Ancient History Rostovtsev, Professors Chuprov, Miliukov; Struve, Issaiev, Karpinsky and others. The artists: I. Repin and his son, Baxt, Lanceret, Sudeikin, Larionov, Goncharov, Milliotti, Bilibin, Chambers, A. Yakovlev, Anisfeld etc. Composers and musicians: Rakhmaninov, Stravinsky; actors, singers and dancers: Pavlova, Karsavina, Rosing, Cherkasskaia, Yavorskaia, Roschina-Insarova, the Fokins, Kyasht, Andreiev-Shkilondz, Kusnetsova, Diaghilev, Evreinov, Kommisarzhevsky, and many others, besides an enormous number of people at Ekaterinodar and in Siberia.
*******Ask these people why they are not with the Bolsheviks, if the latter are genuine admirers of Art and Science. The eyes of the public must be opened to the swindle so skillfully carried out by the Bolsheviks by misuse of the means of science and art. The intellectual circles the whole world over will understand that instead of the “Medicis of Petrograd”, they have before them Judas Iscariots with their eternal thirty pieces of silver.
*******Vulgarity and hypocrisy. Betrayal and bribery. The distortion of all the sacred conceptions of mankind. That is Bolshevism. That is the impudent monster which is deceiving mankind. A monster who has gained possession of the sparkle of precious stones. But come nearer. Do not be afraid to look! The stones are imitations. Only a weak eye does not see the falseness of the glitter. In this glitter the world is perishing; in this glitter real spiritual culture is perishing. Know at last more than you have known.


September 12, 1919.
До свидания. С уважением.
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Старый 06.01.2003, 21:02   #2
Владимир Чернявский
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По умолчанию Re: Николай Рерих. Violators of art

Родной, это все тот же "бег по кругу" мы обсуждали это в теме http://forum.roerich.com/viewtopic.php?t=37 (Планы Махатм)

Цитаты из этой статьи есть и в книге Беликова, где автор восстанавливает целостную картину происходившего.

Простым нагромождением отрывочных фактов можно загубить любую дискуссию (хотя Вы ратовали именно за дискуссионность )
Владимир Чернявский вне форума  
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Старый 06.01.2003, 21:43   #3
Аватар для rodnoy
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По умолчанию Re: Николай Рерих. Violators of art

Сообщение от Владимир Чернявский
Родной, это все тот же "бег по кругу" мы обсуждали это в теме http://forum.roerich.com/viewtopic.php?t=37 (Планы Махатм)

Цитаты из этой статьи есть и в книге Беликова, где автор восстанавливает целостную картину происходившего.

Простым нагромождением отрывочных фактов можно загубить любую дискуссию (хотя Вы ратовали именно за дискуссионность )
Я нигде не видел обсуждение именно этой статьи Рериха. То, что "выстраивает" Беликов - это его личное мнение. Оно ни лучше и ни хуже моего или Вашего

Да, я за "дискуссионность", что предполагает, логически непротиворечивые суждения, основанные на фактах. Вы можете дать ссылку или вкратце показать эту "целостную картину", выстроенную Беликовым, но подкрепленную также ФАКАТАМИ, а не только его личным мнением (к-е вполне может быть и ошибочным)? Буду рад выслушать

Плюс ко всему, надо всегда стараться учитывать "контекст", т.е. в КАКОЕ именно время жил и работал Беликов, что он, даже если что и знал "такое", то не мог это высказать открыто в то время, т.е. в период "махрового" застоя. Как мы можем отделить "изопов язык" его работ от того, что он хотел сказать на самом деле? Только сопоставлением фактов и правильным рассуждением... все остальное - мифо-творчество

Я считаю, что он очень мягко (но точно) "намекнул" на политический характер "Послания Махатм..." в надежде на то, что мы не бездумно "съедим" все, что он написал только потому, что он был "лицом приближенным", но сумеем раздглядеть "между строк" истинный смысл его речей и отбросить ненужную, но вынужденную в то время "политическую шелуху". Если бы он обо всем написал прямо, то в лучшем случае это не пропустила бы цензура, а в худшем - "с полной конфискацией имущества"...
До свидания. С уважением.
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