Старый 08.12.2017, 08:00   #2979
Редна Ли
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По умолчанию Ответ: Агни Йога и Теософия

По словам КХ, М был человеком настолько прямым и честным, что прямее он не видел:
ПМ: — you say he has "a peculiar mode of expressing himself to say the least." Now, that "way" is simply the bare truth, which he is ready to write to yourself, or even say and repeat to your face, without the least concealment or change...; and he is — of all the men I know just the one to do it without the least hesitation!

О сэре Ричарде говорили то же самое, и у него было объяснение:
...like most boys of strong imagination and acute feeling, I was a resolute and unblushing liar; I used to ridicule the idea of my honour being any way attached to telling the truth, I considered it an impertinence the being questioned, I never could understand what moral turpitude there could be in a lie, unless it was told for fear of the consequences of telling the truth, or one that would attach blame to another person. That feeling continued for many a year, and at last, as very often happens, as soon as I realized that a lie was contemptible, it ran into quite the other extreme, a disagreeable habit of scrupulously telling the truth whether it was timely or not.

И таких вещей - "вагоны". Нас интересновало, как могло случиться, что сэр Ричард, заинтересовался 20-летним индусом (Чаттопадхьяя), будучи на 30 лет старше? Где они могли познакомиться? Оказалось, что оба находились в Эдинбурге в 1872м. Это в очередной раз ничего не доказывает, но в очередной раз очень вовремя они там оба находились.
Сэра Ричарда обожала молодежь, готовая сидеть у его ног и смотреть в рот. Но вот спорить с ним желающих не было. Один из его знакомых сказал, что, не рискнул бы спорить с ним, даже если бы тот сказал, что у треугольника пять углов, и все прямые. Если он знал, что прав (а он всегда знал, что прав )), возражать было себе дороже. КХ написал об М то же самое: you call him "an imperious sort of chap very angry if he is opposed,"... I am prepared to concede the definition in a limited sense, and to admit and repeat with you (and himself at my elbow) that he is a very imperious sort of chap, and certainly very apt sometimes to become angry, especially if he is opposed in what he knows to be right."

Сэр Ричард не был идеален, но был принципиален:
On one of our Expeditions we were stopping at a shanty close to a river, and seeing something glistening, he walked up the bed of the river, which was not deep, and scooped up some of the sand and put it in a jar. On washing it we found that it looked very like rubies. We sent it home to Mr. Crookes, F.R.S., the great chemical savant, and he wrote back, " If you get any more, bigger than this, throw up the Consulate and stick to the rubies." Now, Richard told me that this was only the dust washed down, and that the great stones must lie further up the head of the river. The shanty belonged to an old woman with a right for a good stretch up the river, and she would have joyfully sold it for 50 pounds. When I implored Richard almost on my knees to buy it, he would not, saying it would be quite wrong to defraud that poor woman out of her place, when she did not know that rubies were there; that if she did know, she would ask him an exorbitant sum...

И не чужд знанию будущего:
He had a wonderful prescience of things and events, even of those things of which he knew the least. I might quote a little common instance of so trite a thing as the "Argentines." I had some money in Argentines not much, only a few hundreds and one day without any rhyme or reason he ordered me to take them out. I thought to myself that if a first-rate lawyer and a first-rate broker put them in, that it must be right, and that Richard, being anything but a business man, could not possibly know anything about it, so I did not write the letter. Six months later he gave me a call; I went into his room. " Did you ever write that letter that I desired you to write, taking your money out of the Argentines? "No, Jemmy," I said; "you know you know nothing about business, and it is a good percentage." He said very sternly, "Go and bring your pen and paper directly, and sit down here, and write it before me, and I will post it myself." He dictated to me a most imperative letter to my lawyer, desiring him to withdraw the money the moment he received the letter, without stopping to write back any questions. It was done, and my lawyer wrote me back a very aggrieved letter at my want of confidence in the judgment of his broker, and bitterly complained that I had lost 14 pounds. I gave it to Richard, who was delighted. A fortnight later the smash came. To show how kind-hearted he is, he called me and said laughingly, "I forbid you to write and taunt your lawyer; I know it is an awful temptation."

В принципе, теософия ничего не потеряла бы от такого поворота событий. И есть 101 совпадение, которое "ничего не доказывает". Я не верю, что найдутся доказательства. И может быть, оно и к лучшему.
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